United Nations Postal Administration New York City
United Nations Postal Administration – Must See Tourist Attractions in New York City
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United Nations Postal Administration
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United Nations
The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) is the postal agency of the United Nations. It issues postage stamps and postal stationery in dollar denominations for the United Nations offices in New York, in Swiss francs for the offices in Geneva and in euros (formerly schillings) for the offices in Vienna. Postage rates charged are identical to those of the host nation.
Only United Nations stamps in the appropriate currency may be used at a given United Nations office. In practice, however, most UN agencies use meters, and the stamps are most often used by tourists and collectors. Since the stamps may not be used outside the UN offices, they may be purchased in bulk on the secondary market as discount postage at well below face value.
A recent controversy concerns the 2003 purchase by one organization of the UNPA’s entire postal archive, including original artwork and artist’s proofs. Apparently this was to raise money for the UNPA, and it may have netted the organization about $2.5 million. However, there have been serious allegations that improper procedures approving the sale were followed. Also, resale of items at several times their initial values have apparently occurred, thus raising more questions about the entire matter. As of 2006 the issue remains under internal UN investigation.
The UNPA continues to issue stamps, including “personalized” stamps. It also is responsible for sorting and delivery of mail to the offices under its jurisdiction.
Ordinarily, mail must be taken to the UN offices and franked with the appropriate UN stamps. From time to time, though, by agreement with the United States Postal Service, the UNPA maintains a temporary office elsewhere, usually at stamp shows or special events.
The United Nations Headquarters in New York is located on First Avenue between 42nd Street and 48th Street.
The Visitors’ Entrance is located on First Avenue at 46th Street.
By Subway:
4,5,6 or 7 trains to Grand Central Station; walk on 42nd Street to First Avenue
By Bus:
M15, M27, M42, M104.
Guided tours are conducted seven days a week (Monday to Friday only during January and February).
Tours are conducted from 9:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday; Saturday and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tours in English normally leave every half hour and last for approximately 45 minutes to one hour.
The building is closed on holidays including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
Adults : $10.50
Senior Citizens : $8.00
Students with Valid ID : $7.00
Children btw 5 and 14 years old : $6.00
For safety reasons, children under age 5 are not admitted on tour.