New York WhiskyFest 2007
New York WhiskyFest 2007
WhiskyFest in NYC, New York, USA
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New York WhiskyFest 2007
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New York WhiskyFest 2007
October 30, 2007
Held at the upmarket Marriott Marquis in Times Square, the pricey New York WhiskyFest evening gives enthusiasts the chance to appreciate some of the world’s finest blends and single malts.
More than 200 of the world’s finest, rarest and most expensive whiskies are available for sampling during what has become one of the largest independent whisky events in the US. Visitors can taste the finest single malt and blended Scotch and Irish whiskies, the best bourbons and Tennessee whiskies and the best from Canada. High-end rums, tequilas and beer are also on the menu, as well as food throughout the night to soak it all up with.
The focus is on education. Distillery representatives are on hand at the pouring booths to explain how the whiskies are made and there is a chance to listen to a range of guest speakers.
Date & Time
October 30, 2007; 6.30pm-10pm
New York Marriott Marquis
General admission tickets to WhiskyFest New York are $115. We are offering a VIP ticket option this year which provides entry to WhiskyFest at 5:30 pm, one hour earlier than general admission which begins at 6:30 pm. By getting in one hour earlier, you have a much less crowded tasting experience.
The VIP ticket option is $155. If you are a Malt Advocate Whisky Society member, you can purchase one VIP ticket at the general admission price of $115, a savings of $40. If you are interested in learning about the great benefits of being a Malt Advocate Whisky Society member (only costs $69.95 to join)
Phone:+1 800 610 MALT (6258)